Wind Farm Protection and Maintenance
Modern day wind turbines are often located in or near (sea) water. This means they too are susceptible to corrosion. CORROSION is at the forefront of innovation in the wind sector and is the worldwide market leader in protecting wind turbine foundations against corrosion in an environmentally friendly way by using Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP).

Sustainable offshore wind turbine maintenance
Offshore wind farm maintenance is not easy. What few people realize is that traditional methods of protecting submerged metal surfaces from corrosion in maritime environments are by no means pollution free, releasing large quantities of heavy metals and metals such as zinc and aluminum into precious marine ecosystems. The result? Some wind farms are far more eco-friendly above water than below it.
Continuing to lead the way
Over a decade on, we remain the global leader in ICCP systems for offshore
wind farms and wind farm maintenance, helping protect thousands of wind turbines that provide a renewable source of energy to millions of households.
Few people realize that many wind farms are far more eco-friendly above water than below it. Like any metal structures in marine environments, wind turbine foundations are susceptible to corrosion. Unfortunately, traditional methods of protecting against this are by no means pollution free and sustainable.
The use of sacrificial anodes leads to the release of heavy metals and metals such as zinc and aluminum into the marine environment. The result? Over the 25-year lifetime of a wind farm, literally millions of kilograms of metal alloys can be discharged into the seawater. What’s more, the sourcing, transportation and maintenance of the metals used in sacrificial anodes, also comes with a significant carbon footprint.
Thankfully, the offshore wind farm operation and maintenance is not a problem without a solution. CORROSION became the first company in the world to develop an anti-corrosion solution utilizing Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems in the offshore wind industry that is cost-effective, easy-to-maintain and environmentally friendly. Protecting offshore wind farm foundations since 2008.